
Volkswagen T-cross Problems That You Need To Know Before Purchasing!

Updated Jul 13, 2022

Volkswagen T-cross is a great car to drive for a long time. However, because drivers use it for so long without realizing its problems, the driving performance seems to degrade day by day, and that’s not what we want. That is why you should take care of Volkswagen T-cross problems from the beginning so that no faults can occur suddenly while driving. Check out our options in the article to handle your vehicle!

Volkswagen T-cross issues

Volkswagen T-cross has some common problems

Let’s check out all the Volkswagen T-cross engine problems so that you can be aware of what can happen to your vehicle and how to fix it right away:

Volkswagen T-cross Problems: Curtain Airbag Issues

One common Volkswagen T-cross issue is that the airbags are likely to malfunction, even when your car gets in an accident. 

This situation is dangerous for drivers in the darkest time when they have trouble with their cars and airbags cannot come out on time to help them. Even more shocking is that all models of this breed from May to June 2016 all have this major fault. 

vw T-cross airbags

Volkswagen T-cross airbags

This fault is likely due to a broken weld on the discharge airbag’s nozzle. However, this fault can be fixed once you contact the Volkswagen dealership and ask the mechanics to repair this problem. Once they successfully find out why the fault happened, the airbag system will be fixed again for your safe driving.

Volkswagen T-cross Problems: Car Unwilling To Start

Some VW T-Cross drivers have reported their car not starting right away when they fire it up with the engine-start button. They have to press the button multiple times before getting the engine started. This fault is due to the electronic assembly inside the car, not the mechanical components. 

However, there are different reasons why the engine needs multiple attempts to start. For the best case, you need to take your car to the VW dealership and state correctly what problem your car has so that they can fix it for you in time. 

Volkswagen T-cross Problems: Starting And Stopping Button Not Work

Many users notice one more problem with VW T-Cross: they have a hard time stopping or starting the car urgently, as the system is not super-intensive. The cause may lie that the engine and key’s interconnection sometimes experience lag. 

Volkswagen T-cross start

Volkswagen T-cross start button

Drivers usually disengage the engine when this issue comes up with their car. However, it is not recommended because all up-to-date cars need this system working. 

Volkswagen T-cross Problems: Interior Build Quality Issues

Volkswagen cars never disappoint with their luxurious and plentiful-of-convenience interior, but there are Volkswagen T-cross problems in the Philippines regarding interior quality. 

Creeks and rattling is noticed often, which makes drivers unhappy as they expect their cars to be flawless. 

vw T-cross interior

Some drivers feedbacked about the bad interior quality

If the manufacturer does not consider bad interior quality a serious issue in the T-Cross, there will be a downgrade on the next car models, which is not something that we want. 

Volkswagen T-cross Issues: Steering System Clock Spring Issue

Last but not least, the problem that makes many T-Cross users have a headache while driving is the clockspring issue. This issue has been recalled for fixing many times, but the situation is still quite serious, as drivers can notice it happens again per the NHTSA.

A failed clockspring is a serious issue, as this fault makes the steering-related systems’ components such as airbags, horn, and steering wheel controls not work properly. 

If you think that your car is experiencing such difficulty, it’s best to take it to the official dealership right away to have them fixed. You won’t have to pay the fixing fee as long as the car is still under maintenance. 


And that’s our list of the common Volkswagen T-cross Problems you may experience in this vehicle one day. Don’t worry, because not all T-Cross will have this problem. But if it does, all you need to do is take it to the Volkswagen official dealership to get it fixed right away. 

We hope that you can drive this vehicle safely with caution. Thank you, and we will see you soon in the next helpful article on Phil Car Price!

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